All they had to do was lose the most important items in the game One Baldur’s Gate 3 player has uncovered a new mini-quest by losing the most important items in the game. Since it was first launched in August 2023, Baldur’s Gate 3 fans have slowly been uncovering a wide range of secrets, mysterious and quests across Larian ’s open-world epic. The latest is a mini-quest that can only be started by losing the netherstones in a very specific way.

The netherstones are regarded as one of the most important items in Baldur’s Game 3 and if they are somehow lost, players receive an instant game over. However, Larian has made it difficult to lose the stones. If they are dropped, they remain in the same spot until they’re retrieved while it’s impossible to throw the stones unless they’re placed inside another item like a crate.

Discovered by YouTuber Proxy Gate Tactician and shared by PC Gamer , it turns out Larian created a mini-quest for any players that leave the netherstones in a location that can’t be accessed again. Proxy took to the underwater Iron Throne, which is accessible as part of timed quest but explodes after your first visit, and left the stones there. Rather than a game over, Proxy discovered the netherstones had washed up in the southeast docks of the Lower City, with players needing to either buy them from the Old Troutman, fight them from the Sahuagin or find them inside a dead fish.

“I believe I have found content that no one else has ever seen in.