A RETROSPECTIVE planning application has been approved by City Council despite it being branded an eyesore. Mary Day, of Solomons Lane, Shirrell Heath, applied for retrospective permission to add a first-floor extension to her bungalow. The extension had already been constructed under Class AA permitted development.

The application was approved by Winchester City Council’s Planning Committee on Wednesday, August 14. Speaking in objection to the proposal, James Allman, who appeared alongside fellow objector Derek Morgan, said: “This building has an approval, it was approved under a permitted development order, so why are we thinking about changing the rules? Does this not set a precedent for any development in the village? “Permitted development requires the use of similar or matching materials, which the original application noted. Why was that never enforced? The building was erected in August last year – had the materials used in this retrospective application been present in the original application, it would have been refused.

“If a building of this size and scale with these materials had been submitted as a standalone application, it would not have been permitted, as it’s larger than the allowance under small dwellings in the countryside policy. What we have here is a conundrum and we seem to be acting retrospectively to change the rules.” Cllr Sam Charles, of Shedfield Parish Council, also objected to the application.

He said: “Shedfield Parish Council s.