Cooler unhurried quiet mornings evoke a certain feeling of silence and solitude. Hot chocolate drink or a cup of coffee with a favorite pastry to indulge come to mind. A meditative mood ushers in peace just being in a space alone.

To some, it might mean sad solitude or feeling lonely and bored. Welcome all the feelings and find the beauty of solitude, for in it are the benefits of peace of mind and relaxing silence. Just as exercise and healthy eating are good for your body and mind, meaningful alone time can be a necessary buffer in today’s rapid-fire world.

With external and internal pressures relentlessly increasing in our fast-paced globally interconnected world, we can easily feel overloaded by many forces and influences. How do we keep our sanity? The experts say make some “me” time, alone. Here are some of the benefits of alone time according to the experts: • It gives your brain a chance to reboot and unwind.

Constantly being “on” does not give your brain a chance to rest and recharge. Alone time can boost your brain’s ability to focus and think more clearly. A revitalized brain works much better.

• It improves your concentration and increase productivity. Giving your brain cells some room to breathe and time to reboot free from many environmental distractions and interruptions will render it more efficient which will help you get more work done in a shorter period. • It gives you an opportunity to rediscover yourself.

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