With a grant funded by the Arlene and Michael Rosen Foundation, SPACE held a one week camp, Plan Vacacional/Spanish Language Performing Arts Camp, that culminated in a show on the afternoon of July 19, filled with vibrant song, dance and fun portraying Mexican heritage and tradition that included dozens of student performers and a handful of adult, veteran actors/teachers. With just five days of practice, one can only imagine what would have happened, had there been longer rehearsal time. The stage was filled with colorful costumes, exuberant dance, and joyful singing Mexican-themed, performed in Spanish.

The theater was filled with appreciative audience members and, although my own Spanish is limited, there was no limitation to my enjoyment. Under the guidance of Ignacio Ayala, deputy director and Latino program director for SPACE; Olivia Zamora, camp director; and Sam Kircher, musical teacher and accompanist, SPACE definitely hit another high note with this festive production highlighting the students at SPACE. Ayala grew up taking classes at SPACE and in high school became involved in the teen intern program working backstage as a teaching assistant.

He was eventually hired as the Latino Program Director and, for three years, has additionally taken on the reins as deputy director. Over the past two years, he has worked closely with the Latino community to produce, direct and collaborate at least two Spanish language events per year. Kircher, a highly talented musician and .