A rare chance to see Pokémon like you’ve never seen them before. Pokémon fans in Shizuoka Prefecture have long lamented the fact that they’re yet to receive a Pokémon Centre, but for the next few months they’re the envy of the nation, because Pokémon is coming to them with a special Pokémon x Crafts Exhibition at the MOA Museum of Art at the MOA Museum of Art in Atami City. This travelling exhibition goes by the full name “Pokémon x Crafts Exhibition – A Great Discovery of Beauty and Crafts”, and it’s been wowing fans in Shizuoka since 6 July.

The main highlight is the “ Pikachu Greeting “, where the electric Pokémon appears on a special noh theatre stage for five days only . This is a very unique setup for a Pokémon greeting, and it’s made even more special by the entrance, with Pikachu appearing from the agemaku (entrance curtain), and walking along the hashigakari (bridgeway) to the main stage, just as a traditional noh theatre actor would. While noh theatre actors generally wear masks on stage, Pikachu keeps her face visible for the public, waving from the main stage while dressed in a beautiful kimono.

▼ This Pikachu has a heart-shaped tail, which, in the Pokémon world, means it’s a girl. The kimono displays a beautiful gradation of pink and blue colours, along with a traditional pattern called “koujitsunagi”, which features interlocking “工” (“kou”) characters. ▼ Completing the traditional outfit is a traditional .