PhotoVogue is thrilled to announce that Alessia Glaviano will take part in the SDG Media Zone at the United Nations Headquarters. The session will be livestreamed on UN WebTV and the SDG Media Zone website . Each year, we select the theme for the Global Open Call after carefully observing the socio-political landscape.

We ask ourselves: what are the challenges that the world faces today, and how can the visual arts community address them? One of PhotoVogue’s primary goals is to foster visual literacy and awareness through beauty, maintaining an optimistic gaze on world events while not turning away from their harshest realities. The global open call, “The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature,” has brought together extraordinary artists who explore the relationship between humans, animals, and our planet, now in the midst of an environmental crisis that can no longer be ignored. However late, this crisis must be addressed.

The projects selected range from documenting indigenous communities, to recycling practices, to conservation and the environmental consequences of colonialism, all aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations. Our collaboration with the UN Department of Global Communications will culminate on September 27th, when Alessia Glaviano, Head of Global PhotoVogue, will speak at the SDG Media Zone. This event intersects the 2030 Agenda with public discourse through interviews and discussions with entities and organisations w.