Thomas Paine, a Maine Forest Service ranger, speaks Thursday about wilderness and campfire safety at Back to Nature Summer Camp in Rangeley. He was joined by Rangeley Fire Rescue Chief Michael Bacon in teaching children ages 6 to 12 at the camp sponsored by the Rangeley Health and Wellness Center at 25 Dallas Hill Road. Rangeley Fire Rescue photo Thomas Paine, a Maine Forest Service ranger, speaks Thursday about wilderness and campfire safety at Back to Nature Summer Camp in Rangeley.

He was joined by Rangeley Fire Rescue Chief Michael Bacon in teaching children ages 6 to 12 at the camp sponsored by the Rangeley Health and Wellness Center at 25 Dallas Hill Road. Rangeley Fire Rescue photo We invite you to add your comments, and we encourage a thoughtful, open and lively exchange of ideas and information on this website. By joining the conversation, you are agreeing to our commenting policy and terms of use .

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