Rick Clavet grinds paint and buildup Monday afternoon from a support beam on playground equipment in preparation for welding a longer section of pipe onto it, which will anchor it into the ground at the former Lake Street School in Auburn. He and other workers for Jim Wu are rebuilding the former public school playground as a “Project for the Community,” according to Wu, whose family business purchased the property last year. In the background is the former elementary school that Wu’s company will renovate into 12 apartments.

Wu had planned to build a daycare adjacent to the playground, but according to Wu, the city of Auburn changed their mind and will not allow him to build it. Pending approval from engineers and the state, Wu hopes the playground will open sometime this fall. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal Matt White scrubs playground equipment prior to power washing it Monday afternoon at the former Lake Street School in Auburn.

He and other workers for Jim Wu are rebuilding the former public school playground as a “Project for the Community.” according to Wu, whose family business purchased the property last year. In the background is the former elementary school that Wu’s company will renovate into 12 apartments.

Wu had planned to build a daycare adjacent to the playground, but according to Wu, the city of Auburn changed their mind and will not allow him to build it. Pending approval from engineers and the state, Wu hopes the playground will open sometime this .