The film is a sequel to a hit thriller led by Taapsee Pannu and Vikrant Massey. The now series follows a couple who are obsessed with recreating stories from the books of an infamous late author Dinesh Pandit. The fun part about the books is that the law never wins, and our heroes are never on the right side of the law.

The first film explored Rani and Rishu's toxic love story, here their struggle to reunite continues but it ends rather a bit too straightforward. The film begins with a bit of a recap and what Rishu and Rani have been up to after the first film. They are still running away from the cops, meeting at hidden spots, living under the radar and trying to reunite.

Meanwhile, both have other prospects aka love interests hovering around them, but this time the two are loyal to each other, for now. They have a clear plan, to hind for another two months and pay off an agent who will help ship them off to a different country. However, things don't go as planned with Montu Chacha shows up to uncover the truth about Neel's disappearance (aka murder in the first film).

The two have much to lose, from each other's love and support to real consequences like jail for the rest of their lives. Rishu is convinced Montu Chacha will not leave them alone unless either one is caught or dead but Rani has the perfect solution for it, unfortunately, the situation gets worse instead of improving and the chaos ultimately ends with a climax full of long narration. Taapsee Pannu brings back .