“Study me as much as you like, you will never know me, for I differ a hundred ways from what you see me to be. Put yourself behind my eyes, and see meas I see myself, for I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see.” – Rumi.

RUMI’S poetry and message has transcended time and space and even the cultural frontiers. Today he is widely read and translated all over the world. It may be wrong to say that he belongs to one country or to one culture.

He is a mythical, historical and trans-geographical figure, whose teachings are as relevant today as these were centuries ago. In the twenty first century when wars are rampant all over the globe, Rumi teachings are a breath of fresh air, as he gives lessons of tolerance, inclusiveness and acceptance of others by inculcating in ourselves a spirit of love not only of God, but also of humanity. He says, “We can all love, co-exist and respect each other.

” This is the central theme of his poetry and no time now than ever before in human history, there is a need of love, peace and tranquillity in the contemporary impoverished world. Wars are rampant in all the four corners of the globe, and people have distanced themselves from each other. The message of Islam that ‘You can never be a true Muslim unless you prefer the same thing for your fellow Muslims as you prefer for yourself,’ and the message of Christianity, ‘love thy neighbour as thy self,’ has lost its appeal.

Essentially these days we have a world, in which pe.