Phillip Schofield is set for a screen comeback in a new three-part series for Channel 5 titled Cast Away, marking his first time on air in over a year. The ex-This Morning presenter will explore his life narrative through a survival lens. The show promises an intense personal journey for Schofield, who will spend 10 days isolated on an uninhabited island off Madagascar's coast with minimal equipment and no crewsimply cameras to capture his solitary experience.
Before the series launch, Schofield reflected: "I've recently had a lot of time to think about my life, what went right and what went wrong, but I've always had the safe arms of friends and family wrapped around me. This time it's just me, no phone, no comforts, no crew and only lip balm as a luxury." Embracing the challenge ahead, he said: "I'm looking forward to exploring the island, trying to tie knots to secure my shelter and foraging and fending for myself in the wild .
.. with no help.
Maybe I'll be Robinson Crusoe, or maybe I'll just be Tom Hank's Wilson and quietly drift off into the wild blue yonder." Phillip Schofield is still legally married (Image: Channel 5 Broadcasting Limited / Burning Bright Productions Press Enquiries: NOTE: Channel 5 images are for the use of Press outlets only.
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