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The price of principle is often abuse. In my view the labelling of Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s actions as racist by independent MP Zali Steggall was a classic example of attacking someone with a different perspective (“ Steggall brands Dutton a ‘bully’ over Gaza racism row ”, 19/8). In calling for a temporary pause on immigration from Gaza, Dutton was clearly stating what he believed was the best policy in the national interest.

It is extremely imprudent for Australia to be taking people from a region controlled by a proscribed terrorist organisation that is steeped in anti-Semitism during these times. How are members of Australia’s Jewish community supposed to feel safe if the government continues upon such a reckless path? Steggall should stick to policy arguments and desist from personal attacks. Peter Curtis, Werribee South Celebrate migrants In my life I have had the opportunity to see the great benefit that migration has meant to my country.

The millions of migrants and refugees who have come here from many different countries, including some with which we have been at war, have built Australia. The roads, the schools, the hospitals and new businesses. They have moved us from being an agricultural backwater to a nation .