Galatians 6: 5 says, “For each will have to bear his own load.” This means our actions have consequences, and we are accountable for the choices we make. A highly evolved sense of personal responsibility is a precursor to sustained national growth and development.

Personal responsibility is not a popular ingredient in our culture. There are several reasons for this costly deficit. The cruel debilitation of plantation slavery for hundreds of years is one.

Colonialism and the carefully crafted continuation of social, political, and economic dependency count as another. Post-Independence, some of our most influential national leaders have done great damage by continuing to sow and fertilise seeds which are antithetical to personal responsibility. In the 1970s, for example, the Michael Manley Administration went on a massive spending spree, minus the necessary economic base to sustain it.

Vast numbers of Jamaicans were tricked into believing that Government was responsible for them from the cradle to the grave. Manley’s socialism effectively put the freeness mentality on steroids. NATURAL ORDER There are three laws of nature which govern the operations of this universe which we cannot defy — certainly not in this mortal life, I believe.

1) You cannot defy the physics of old age. President of the United States of America Joe Biden was forced to come to grips with this reality, recently. 2) You cannot escape the laws of gravity.

I suspect many of my readers, during their ch.