Wiltshire Council has put up signage which will allow police to enforce Salisbury's public space protection order. A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), covering the city centre and surrounding parishes of Laverstock & Ford, Quidhampton, Netherhampton, Wilton, Alderbury, Odstock and Coombe Bissett, was implemented in May 2024, in response to reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the city. In the city centre, a police officer may require anyone causing anti-social behaviour in a public place to stop drinking alcohol and require them to surrender anything believed to be an alcohol container.

It is an offence to refuse any such order and continue to consume alcohol. READ MORE: Caffè Nero has closed for eight days for refurbishment Three months after the PSPO was ordered, signage has been put in place across the city to remind people of the restrictions, and anyone found to be in breach of the PSPO could be issued with an on-the-spot Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) up to £100. Failure to pay a FPN could lead to prosecution and a fine on conviction up to £1,000.

This comes after resident Rachel Davis said in May that anti-social behaviour is “worse than ever” in Salisbury and that the PSPO was a "waste of money" as it could not be enforced until signage was put up. These powers have been granted to aid police to address the increase in street drinking related anti-social behaviour. The PSPO does not prevent those licensed premises with outdoor seating from serving alcoho.