It's easy to take many everyday luxuries for granted, particularly for those who have never experienced poverty before. There were tons of fascinating answers, so here are some of the highest-voted ones: 1. "Fresh fruits and vegetables, rather than relying on canned or processed foods.

" – u/MarsupialUnlucky3552 "Fresh fruit, just out on the counter available to eat whenever. Going to someone’s house and seeing a bowl of apples and feeling envious. Now there is always a bowl of fresh fruit on my kitchen counter, whatever is in season, available and it still feels like pure luxury to grab an apple, pear, peach, whatever and eat it.

I even have my own fruit trees now." – u/kamuelak 2. "Owning a pair of brand-name sneakers.

It was like wearing a crown on my feet." – u/Pure_BreedCute 3. "Getting new school supplies at the start of the year.

I remember how getting a new notebook or pencil case instead of hand-me-downs felt like Christmas." – u/jackreacher3 4. "A f**cking sleepover with a friend.

Got asked several times but my parents said no because we couldn't reciprocate." – u/barefoot_yank 5. "The idea of going out and just buying a replacement for what's broken is something I had to get used to in adulthood.

" "Growing up, if something broke, nine times out ten you just learned to live with it being broken. Even if it was a relatively cheap fix, it just wouldn't get done because that money might be needed later for something more important." – u/ConstableBlimeyChip.