In a town in Mexico, Coca-Cola consumption exceeds that of water. According to the Guardian, Mexico leads the world in per capita Coke consumption. Reports indicate that the indigenous communities of Los Altos, Chiapas, may be among Coca-Cola's most devoted customers.

Due to limited access to clean drinking water, many locals rely on soft drinks for hydration. This long-standing habit has led to a significant dependency on Coca-Cola among the residents. A 2019 study by the Chiapas and Southern Border Multidisciplinary Research Center (Cimsur) found that the average Chiapas resident consumed over 800 litres of Coca-Cola annually.

This translates to approximately 3,000 cups (250ml each) per year. In Chiapas, Coca-Cola is also as an integral element in the traditions and rituals followed by the communities. As reported by the Sun, indigenous communities believe that this soft drink feeds good spirits and helps the sick.

Some even believe it helps cure an unhappy household. No happy family gathering or a big meal is considered complete without Coke. Also Read: Artificially Sweetened Beverages May Increase Risk Of A Serious Heart Condition By 20%: Study Even children in this southern Mexican state drink excessive Coca-Cola.

Dr Vicente Vaqueiros, from a nearby farming town, told the New York Times, "When I was a kid and used to come here, Chamula (a village in Chiapas) was isolated and didn't have access to processed food. Now, you see the kids drinking Coke and not water. Right no.