Here's a weird thing about me: I simultaneously love and hate scary stories. As a kid, I watched the entirety of The Sixth Sense with a hat over my eyes, and that's THE SIXTH SENSE (I've since been told it's not actually scary). My friends still make fun of me for the time I jump-screamed during the Flushed Away trailer, which, if you're not familiar, is 100% a kid's movie about a rat that gets flushed down a toilet.

I just re-watched the trailer and cannot figure out for the life of me what was so scary back in '06. TLDR: I'm an absolute baby. But like I said, I also happen to adore scary stories.

Even though I can barely sit through a scary movie, I delight in having them summarized to me (just this morning, my husband walked me through the entire plot of Barbarian, and I was RIVETED ) . It's odd, but I love creepy historical factoids and genuinely enjoy visiting cemeteries, despite my ~sensitivities.~ So when I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the local legend, dark secret, or old lore of where they grew up, I was beyond excited to read so many spooky stories.

^ Me reading everyone's submissions. And now without further ado, please enjoy a sampling of those submissions with 13 of the most spine-chilling stories below. (And at the end, I've included four more whimsical factoids to cleanse your pallet in case you're anything like me, i.

e., a total scaredy cat.) 1.

"I grew up in a small town, the Pine Barrens, home to the infamous Jersey Devil. The legend goes that the D.