Well, over on Quora, people have been discussing some of their most horrible wedding experiences as a guest , the tackiest thing they've seen at someone else's wedding, and the most unusual thing they've seen a guest do at a wedding. So here are some nuptial-day horror stories to celebrate the wedding season being in full swing. 2.

"At my daughter's wedding, a 350-pound man took it into his head to try a pole dance. He did a very um..

.wavy hip thrust first, then launched onto the pole. It ended on the floor.

Some people just shouldn't drink." — Jill G. 4.

"My wife and I went to a relative's wedding many years ago. The church wedding was simple and fine. The reception was in a hall; I don't remember if a band or DJ existed.

The drinks were fine. They asked everyone to sit at their tables, and the announcer called the table numbers. A row of staff served the buffet, so guests didn't just dig in.

The main course was pre-sliced turkey. As we sat and waited for our number to be called, we watched as smiling people walked past with plates piled high with food. We were getting hungry!.

.." ".

..Finally, they called our table, and the serving trays were empty! The servers were trying to scrape mashed potatoes in a failed effort to give the remaining guests in line a scoop full.

And a spoonful of vegetables. The turkey was long gone. To add to the disappointment, the bus people were clearing tables of plates still laden with food! Lots of slices of turkey and two big scoops of potatoe.