Work & Money · Posted 2 minutes ago People Are Sharing Moments Where They Saw Millionaires' Spoiled Kids Get Humbled By The Real World, And It's A Trip "His Trump-supporting posts were the reason his parents essentially disowned him." by Ajani Bazile-Dutes BuzzFeed Staff Link Facebook Pinterest Twitter Mail A while ago, Reddit user u/GhostRxm asked, "What was the best moment you've seen where the real world hit a spoiled rich kid?" Max A handful of the submissions in the thread were about kids who had (or whose family) had millions. The stories ranged from funny to straight-up scandalous, so here are the best ones: 1.

"A kid I knew won a cool million off a scratch ticket when he was 19. He acted like a big shot, arrogantly buying rounds of drinks for entire bars. He didn’t do anything productive for 20 years.

Then he got the last check — an alcoholic with no savings, no assets, and no skills. He is now in and out of hospitals for alcohol poisoning. He lost his paper-hat job, his girlfriend, and everything else.

" — u/wastingtoomuchthyme ITV 2. "A guy from my robotics group had his entire life handed to him. His dad was stupidly rich because his own father had bought shares in an oil field that turned out to have 40 times the expected yield, turning a $100,000 investment into around $3 million.

He then invested that money into real estate rentals. The guy decided it would be fun to go on a school trip to Philadelphia, acting rich as ever. He drove his lifted, modified SU.