Almost four million pensioners could be living in poverty and struggling to afford even the basics of food in the next 15 years, forecasters warn. The projection of 3.9 million pensioners living in poverty is double today’s level and comes amid findings that many older people are already skipping meals , washing in cold water and are too frightened to switch on their lights due to the high costs.

Research by the charity Independent Age concluded that if current trends remain unchecked there could be four million older people in poverty by 2040, compared to two million now. Aftab Ahmad, 71, who lives in Leeds, is one of the founders of the Hamara Centre in the city, which supports people in the community and he is chairman of the men’s elderly group. He told i that he sees people who are struggling to even afford food and are often sitting in freezing homes with blankets around them as they know they cannot afford high heating bills.

He says that not only is this affecting people’s health, it is having an adverse effect on people’s mental health and ability to socialise with others as the cost of things is leading to them staying at home. “The cost of living is a big issue for some of the people who come to the centre,” he said. “The average pension isn’t enough to meet the food bills, utilities and everything else.

” Plans to scrap winter fuel payments to most pensioners have been met with dismay by some of those who will lose out. About 10 million older peop.