Candidates participating in this year’s general election were invited to submit information to the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, which partnered with PennLive to create this voters’ guide. The candidates below are running for a Pennsylvania state house seat and are in the order provided by the League of Women Voters. If a contest is not listed, there are no candidates running in that race.

District 51 Party: Democratic County: Fayette Occupation: Retired Business Manager Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 354, Youngwood, PA Education: Gradated German Township High School, McCellandtown. PA Qualifications: Service and leadership in the U.S.

Army, organized labor, Fayette County PA Democratic Party, community and economic development Contact: | facebook.georgehuckrattay | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Gun manufacturers are alone in not being held liable for the products they manufacture and sell.

It’s time to reconsider their protection. Needed: tougher gun sale laws. Age restrictions on possession not only purchase of weapons.

Safe storage and red flag laws. House District 51 and all of Fayette County has an expansive transportation network, globally recognized tourist attractions, and underutilized business parks. All are advantageous for business/economic development.

If elected to represent House District 51, I will work with any entity, public or private, any political gro.