GEORGE TOWN, Aug 23 — Penang is on the right track to draw in more tourists, especially from China, with an increasing number of direct flights and cruise liners making Penang its port of call. Association of Tourist Attractions Penang (ATAP) chairman Datuk Ch’ng Huck Theng said tourism in the state is picking up, especially with more direct flights from China. “We are also seeing more than 10 four to five star hotels being opened in Penang this year and next year,” he said.

He said the addition of Penang as the port of call for international luxury cruise liners is also a good sign that travellers are choosing to come to the island state. Ch’ng attributed the increase in tourism to Penang’s affordability, its tourist attractions and food which some have regarded as the “best in the world”. “We are a world-class destination and Chinese tourists coming here are visiting Penang Hill due to the Biosphere reserve and the environment,” he said.

He said Penang needs only to make sure that it meets the expectations of visitors who come here expecting good service, good food, high quality hospitality and interesting attractions. According to Tourism and Creative Economy committee chairman Wong Hon Wai, Penang now has 44 direct flights to China including to cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xiamen. Aside from China, Penang is also connected to many international cities worldwide by various airlines such as Singapore, Bangkok, Phuket, Hong Kong, Medan, J.