Editor’s note: This story is part three of four about the past, present and future of the Pavilion. A new story will be released each week in the Saturday edition of the Detroit Lakes Tribune. DETROIT LAKES — Sticker shock in today’s economy takes effort.

For some, the $13.7 million price tag associated with the proposed Pavilion project managed to achieve that tall order. This article will review why the cost is $13.

7 million, how the proposed sales tax would impact purchases and what happens if the request fails in November. Differences in the proposed and current Pavilion are also examined, as well as potential changes in rental prices. The Pavilion series has already covered the history of the current facility and the current state of the building.

The remaining article in the series will dive into the City Park improvements that are part of the project. ADVERTISEMENT In 2021, Detroit Lakes built a 21,000-square-foot police station for $6.7 million, and it included an underground garage.

How then, does a 15,000 square-foot Pavilion building now cost $13.7 million? It doesn’t. The Pavilion itself is estimated to cost $9.

5 million. The remaining $8.7 million includes contingencies and soft costs, such as design and City Park improvements.

Detroit Lakes City Administrator Kelcey Klemm provided the estimated cost breakdown to be as follows: First off, Klemm emphasized the cost of the project is only an estimate. True costs will not be known until the final designs are.