Are you dreaming of your next adventure vacation but wondering how you can save money, beat the crowds or find the perfect campsite? is on the rise, with more and more of us skipping cocktails at the beach and packing our or for a different type of vacation. But when is the best time to go? Peak season travel, which is usually during school holidays and all winter for ski trips, often means that you’ll have the most options for activities and the best weather for what you want to do – but there’s a higher price to pay and plenty of others with the same idea. Savvy travelers swear by off-season travel – which typically means spring and fall in mountain areas popular for adventure vacations – citing lower fares and less congested trails as great reasons to risk the possibility of inclement weather.

But what if you spend your whole climbing holiday waiting for the rain to let up? The truth is, there are huge advantages and downsides to both, but not knowing what to expect can lead to some serious disappointment. In this article, we take a look at peak season vs off-season travel to help you find the best time to explore your next route. Almost across the board, if you travel during peak season, you’re going to foot a higher bill.

Airline and car rental companies and raise flight prices during the school holidays, hotels raise room rates and while restaurants and tour guides might not technically plump their prices, you’re not likely to find deals or discounts when .