Red pineapples are among the fruits that Aaron McCloy grows. Photo: RNZ By Sally Round of RNZ Growing pawpaw in Invercargill and bananas in Waikato is not such a weird idea these days, a tropical fruit tree grower says. Aaron McCloy of Far North Tropicals is sending his warmth-loving plants around the country and seen demand grow four-fold every year since starting the venture three years ago.

"The range of the country now that doesn't get hard frost is really huge." He has set up four orchards with banana plants over the past two years and wonders why more farmers are not getting into banana growing, given the returns. "We've already got two orders for whole orchards for bananas, people recognizing that they can make $60,000 per hectare of bananas, whereas off dairy or beef, you know, dry stock beef, they're making $1500 per hectare.

Aaron McCloy of Far North Tropicals. Photo: RNZ McCloy has supplied a temperate variety of pawpaw to a grower in Invercargill and pineapples to tropical fruit enthusiasts in Whanganui. He says there is also demand for the actual fruit.

"We had a buyer fly up from Queenstown to find out what orchards we've supplied and to get some supply for New Zealand-grown papaya, New Zealand-grown bananas down for Queenstown and Wānaka for clients down there." The nursery is a side hustle for McCloy, a science and horticulture teacher at Taipa Area School, where he is encouraging students into tropical fruit-growing at an old community garden they are reinv.