Prince Harry has been urged to “get back to the factory floor” by Princess Diana’s former butler. The 40-year-old royal and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, stepped back from royal duties almost five years ago and now live in California with children Prince Archie, five, and three-year-old Princess Lilibet. And while Paul Burrell wishes the pair “luck” in their various commercial endeavours, the former butler has urged the pair to use their platform and get involved with various charitable efforts in other countries, just as Harry’s late mother Diana did.

Asked about Harry and Meghan by Spin Genie, Paul said: “Harry was once the most popular royal of all, he isn't any longer. They have drained the good will from the British people. They have to survive by themselves and by their own means.

“I wish them luck, I wish Harry luck with his polo programme, Meghan luck with her cooking adventures. Meghan will move into fashion no doubt, fashion and beauty have always been earmarked for her. She is a beautiful woman.

“I would like to see them use the platform they have to give back to countries who still don’t have clean water, who still suffer from diseases which have been eradicated from the west. There’s a massive project for them if they want it..

. “I don’t understand why they don’t want to get their hands dirty. They seem to want to stay away from it.

“Harry, remember what your mother taught you, it’s always better to be on the factory floor th.