is one of the greatest improvisors that we’ve ever seen. The quarterback is as good as it gets at throwing the ball accurately from a number of different arm angles, and has wowed football fans from basically the day he took over in K.C.

with his ability to make magic happen. On Saturday afternoon during a preseason game against the Detroit Lions, we saw Mahomes do something that’s impressive even by his lofty standards: Throw a behind-the-back pass. We’ve seen Mahomes in practice — a clip went around recently of him — but this was a little different, as he went to his favorite target, Travis Kelce.

The really fun twist here is that this was off of play action, so the defense was completely fooled and Kelce had no one anywhere near him en route to an 8-yard gain. (Video .) The crowd was stunned, which, I probably would be too if I saw someone on a team I like throw a behind-the-back pass for a first down.

We’ll have to see if Mahomes (and, probably more importantly, Andy Reid) is comfortable enough to bust this out during a regular season or playoff game..