Monday, September 16, 2024 The first-ever PATA Youth Symposium and Career Fair 2024 brought together more than 200 young participants and industry professionals from both local and international backgrounds, representing 12 different destinations. This landmark event was designed to inspire and engage the youth, giving them a platform to explore future opportunities in the tourism sector. The symposium was generously hosted by Dusit Thani College and spearheaded by the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA).

It highlighted the growing importance of developing future leaders within the tourism industry. By focusing on education and innovation, the event aimed to equip young minds with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving field. One of the key features of the event was its diverse lineup of presentations, panel discussions, and interactive roundtable sessions.

Led by esteemed international figures from the tourism world, these activities provided a rich learning experience for all attendees. Students had the rare opportunity to engage directly with experts, gaining valuable insights into the latest trends and challenges shaping global tourism. In addition to the symposium, the career fair was a major highlight, offering students the chance to connect with top-tier organisations.

With representatives from prestigious companies in attendance, participants were able to explore potential career paths, internships, and job openings. This segment of the eve.