The row over Home Minister Amit Shah’s speech on Dr BR Ambedkar continued after New Delhi police filed an FIR on December 20 against Leader of Opposition (LoP) Rahul Gandhi, based on a complaint by BJP MP Hemang Joshi that Rahul Gandhi manhandled two BJP MPs. Hemang claimed in the complaint that Rahul Gandhi ignored instructions by security personnel, and incited other MPs to violence and “endangered the safety” of BJP MPs. He filed his complaint under BNS sections 109 (attempt to murder), 115 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt), 117 (voluntary causing grievous hurt), 125 (act of endangering life or personal safety of others), 131 (use of criminal force), 351 (criminal intimidation) and 3(5) (common intention).

The Delhi Police have only removed section 109, while maintaining all other BNS sections from the complaint in the FIR. All India Congress Committee (AICC) deputy general secretary KC Venugopal and Congress Whip Manickam Tagore have both issued statements slamming the BJP and have called the FIR an attempt to distract the public. “The FIR is nothing but a diversionary tactic in response to his staunch protest against the Home Minister,” Venugopal said, adding, “A case against him for defending Babasaheb’s legacy is a badge of honour.

And in any case, he is already facing 26 FIRs due to the BJP’s political vendetta and this latest FIR will not stop him or the Congress from standing up against the casteist RSS-BJP regime.” Venugopal also questioned the .