TORONTO — Park’N Fly has been hit by a data breach. Approximately one million customer files were accessed, according to a statement from Carlo Marrello, CEO, Park’N Fly Canada. Here is Marrello’s statement in full .

.. “Park’N Fly, Canada’s leading airport parking solution, informed its customers and stakeholders that a third party accessed the Park’N Fly network through unauthorized remote VPN access between July 11th and July 13th, 2024.

“Immediately upon discovering this event, Park’N Fly’s Information Technology team launched an investigation along with the cyber security partner to assess what types of information may have been accessed. “Additionally, Park’N Fly engaged with third-party experts to support its own security and IT teams. Security surveillance has since been increased through our cyber security partner, including updating the anti-virus software throughout the network.

We have additionally taken several technical and administrative steps to further enhance the security of our networks. “We can confirm with certainty that no customer credit cards or passwords are stored on our servers and no payment information was compromised. All platforms were fully restored within 5 days.

Approximately 1 million customer files were accessed. “The personal information that may have been obtained by the third party may have included names and basic contact information, such as email addresses and mailing addresses and Aeroplan and CAA numbers.