Seven in 10 parents admit they feel guilty that their child isn’t drinking enough water. That’s according to a survey of 2,000 parents of kids ages five to 12, split evenly by the U.S.

regions. Results revealed that more than one-third (36%) of parents find it difficult to keep their children hydrated during the summer months specifically. However, given that the number of hot days has increased beyond the traditional summer months, this has implications beyond the summer season.

Another 43% even find themselves stressing over how to ensure their child is staying hydrated. Though the official summer season is winding down, that does not mean that the number of hot days disappears. With the heat and humidity raging on in many parts of our country, parents are attempting to provide their child with water whenever possible (56%); some like to drink water with them (53%) and lead by setting an example of good, regular drinking habits (43%).

Others are getting creative and adding water enhancers or flavors (39%) or even use goals and prizes to encourage drinking water (9%). Still, results found that even parents aren’t drinking as much as they should as 42% struggle to keep up with their water intake during the summer. In fact, 24% of parents surveyed admit to “never” having a reusable water bottle around with them when they were a child.

With summer coming to an end and school gearing up, the survey commissioned by True Citrus and conducted by Talker Research found that.