In the four weeks from December 16 to January 13, 30 new cases of measles have been confirmed within the South West, with a total of 57 across the UK — the region has accounted for the highest proportion of measles cases in the country (46%) since December 16. Bristol has seen the most cases in the region since January 1 2024, with 57 cases, followed by Gloucestershire (23) and Somerset (11). The UKHSA South West team is working with local authorities and NHS partners to manage the response to these cases.
There were 115 laboratory-confirmed measles cases in the South West since January 1 2024 up until 13 January 2025. MMR vaccination rate for two doses across the South West is lower than 90% - Even a small drop in vaccine uptake below the WHO 95% target can lead to outbreaks. The South West has been bucking the trend, with measles cases declining overall across the rest of the country in recent months.
Most cases have been seen in children and young people, particularly in unvaccinated individuals. Dr Alasdair Wood, Consultant in Health Protection for UKHSA South West said: "Measles has been circulating across the country over the last 12 months, with 115 laboratory confirmed measles cases in the South West since 1 January 2024, the majority of which were confirmed in November and December of 2024, and this more rapid rise in cases within the region is concerning. "Measles is highly infectious, and it can cause serious disease or even death in some rare cases.
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