Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor's father, Pankaj Kapur, recently gave his thoughts on the actor's success and said, “I feel very proud to see Shahid where he’s at right now, the kind of thinking he has come up with in the last 20 years in his career, and the maturity he has shown in terms of his choice of films. He started a certain way but look at the kind of cinema he’s doing today! I’m proud to say this without any bias that he’s the finest actor that we’ve in this country in his age group.” Pankaj Kapur proudly declares son Shahid Kapoor as one of India’s finest actor of his generation; says, “The maturity he has shown in terms of his choice of films” In a chat with News 18, Pankaj Kapur expressed immense pride and joy over Shahid Kapoor’s film career.

Reflecting on his son's two-decade journey, he praised Shahid's growth and maturity, especially in his choice of roles. Pankaj admired Shahid’s evolution from his early work to his current impressive portfolio and confidently regarded him as one of the finest actors of his generation in India. Pankaj also shared his pride in all his children—Shahid Kapoor, Ruhaan Kapoor, and Sanah Kapur—for forging their own paths in their careers.

He highlighted their determination to succeed independently, though he assured them of his unwavering support and readiness to help whenever they needed it. The Binny and Family actor also talked about his choice not to actively steer his eldest son, Shahid Kapoor, in his.