Padmavathi Malladi, who has previously written for prominent films like Mahanati, Radhe Shyam, and Manamantha, is gearing up for her directorial debut with the upcoming film Gandhi Tatha Chettu. The film also marks the acting debut of Sukriti Veni Bandreddi, the daughter of Pushpa 2 director Sukumar. The film's trailer gained a lot of traction for its earnest theme of non-violence and its female protagonist, uniquely named Gandhi.

It has already bagged many top honours at film festivals across the world. Ahead of the film’s release, Padmavathi opens up about her writing process, the need to redefine filmmaking grammar with changing times, and more. A few years into the industry, I began writing a story about a mother and her daughter.

While writing that, I thought to myself, 'If anyone has to ruin it, it rather be me.' That’s when the Gandhi Tatha Chettu idea came up and completely engulfed me. So I kept that mother-daughter story aside and began developing this one.

Writing independently gives happiness, but it’s not the right way to do it. There should be someone to give you feedback. Thankfully, Sesha Sindhu Rao, my producer, is a brutal critic.

I also used to narrate the stories to others, like my sister's child, and take their feedback. When I wrote the script for Gandhi Tatha Chettu, I didn’t take any pressure. Whenever I had a good idea, I would write.

I would keep telling myself, 'It’s a good story; not everyone will understand.' Then crowdfunding happened, .