“ Pachinko ” has always asked a lot of its audience, but Season 2 asks even more. Right from the start, there’s a leap so massive, many shows would’ve never considered requesting it to begin with: I’m writing, of course, of the new opening title sequence. In general, such a switch isn’t unheard of.

“The Leftovers” did it — twice ( kind of ) — and those went over swimmingly. But Damon Lindelof decided to try out a new intro because the first was far from revered (and its arduous droning would’ve set the wrong tone for a playfully bizarre sophomore season). “Pachinko’s” original credits, meanwhile, are beloved ! They’re awesome! They’re so gosh darn delightful they overcame the TV Academy’s indefensible neglect in every other category and earned “Pachinko” its only Emmy nomination (for Original Main Title Design)! Season 1’s award-worthy credits sequence is more than just a snappy edit of The Grass Roots’ “Let’s Live for Today.

” It also clarifies a key aspect of the narrative. The parlor setting invites characters separated by decades to dance together in a jubilant celebration. The song’s lyrics — “Don’t worry about tomorrow, live for today” — mirror that timeline-crunching vision, allowing these oft-burdened individuals to shake off their woes and find joy in the here and now.

All together, the opening titles underline a thematic tenor that otherwise could’ve been lost amid plot points that play out like a series o.