A luckless owl that flew away from its handler was eaten by a tiger at the Minnesota Zoo, officials say. According to a US Department of Agriculture inspection report, the sad incident happened on April 29, when the Eurasian eagle owl escaped during a flight training session for a bird show. "The bird flew into the Zoo's Tiger Lair habitat.

Before staff could intervene, the tiger within that habitat preyed upon the owl," zoo spokesperson Zach Nugent tells . Nugent says the owl "was at the beginning stages of its training and acclimating to its new environment." In its report, the USDA said the zoo should "develop and maintain a training program for free-flight training that ensure all animals are handled as to prevent trauma or physical harm.

" Nugent says the zoo "has been working closely with its free-flight bird training partners to review our policies and procedures." In 2021, another Eurasian eagle owl, Gladys, died after escaping a training session at the zoo, reports. She was found injured by the side of the road and vets were unable to save her.

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