The 216th edition of the popular Independence Day flower show in Lalbagh, based on the theme ‘Universal Scholar, Architect of the Constitution, Bharat Ratna, Dr. B.R.

Ambedkar’ this year, attracted over a lakh visitors over the weekend. “Since the inaugural day, we have had a total of 1,89,500 visitors which has brought us a ticket revenue of ₹63 lakh. While 50,000 people visited the show on Saturday, 68,500 visited on Sunday,” said M.

Jagadeesh, Joint Director, Parks and Gardens, Horticulture Department. The 32-ft. floral installation of the Parliament House in Delhi and one that showcased the arch of a stupa as the backdrop to a white Buddha statue captivated the attention of the visitors.

“It is a very unique theme and there is a need for it in society right now. Untouchability is still prevalent in our country and to abolish it, people should know how others have struggled to erase untouchability. It is a beautiful idea to showcase this with flowers,” Alfina, a UPSC aspirant who was visiting the show on Saturday, said.

The show also attracted some foreign tourists. Susan, a 77-year-old American tourist and second-time visitor, said she loved that the show honoured ordinary flowers. “It looks so gorgeous together and some flowers here also grow in Alabama in the U.

S. The dahlias, coxcombs, and gerberas are just marvelous,” she said. However, with many people crowding the installations to take photographs, some visitors complained about not getting to appr.