The Institut Français in Argentina announced this week the 31 winners of its Orillas Nuevas – Nouveaux Rivages program, which funds cultural and creative industry projects. The program, co-organized by the Williams Foundation with the support of the Medifé Foundation, will provide between 10,000 and 20,000 euros for Argentine art creations and platforms in categories including animation, theater, design, video games, and publishing. Winners include the latest project from renowned animation filmmaker Juan Pablo Zaramella, performance arts club Paraíso, the Editors’ Fair’s Carthago networking project, and the IDA Foundation’s Argentine Design Digital Archives.

“The Orillas Nuevas-Nouveaux Rivages call was a great success,” said Argentina’s Institut Français director Frédéric Depetris in a statement, stressing the quality, diversity and creativity of the winners. “We wish to follow emerging artists, recognized talents and innovative ideas that will energize the creative sectors within the scope of Orillas Nuevas, such as the publishing and audiovisual market, the promotion of architectural and landscape research in the field and the communities, and the consolidation of performance artworks,” he added. The 31 projects will take place across the country, including Patagonia, the Pampas, and the Northwest, in the provinces of Chubut, Rio Negro, Córdoba, Santa Fé, Buenos Aires, Chaco and Misiones.

The projects were selected in two stages: first by.