We Texans are blessed to live in the best state in the country for hunting deer. I’ve enjoyed hunting those big body deer up in North Dakota, the Golden Triangle in southwest Illinois and many other places but give me a good, old-fashioned Texas deer hunt any day! The choice is ours whether to hunt the woods and fields of east Texas, venture down to the famous Texas Hill Country for a hunt or possibly head way south to the brush country for a chance at one of the heavy horned monarchs the region is known for. Looking for some mule deer venison and antlers for the wall? Head to the beautiful Trans Pecos region or for some really big mule deer, the Texas Panhandle.

August is the month when we deer hunters begin to get fired up each year. It’s about six weeks until the opener of bow season and on many Texas ranches that are permitted by Texas Parks and Wildlife, all legal means for taking deer are allowed at the beginning of archery season and on through the end of February. The hunting shows have been in progress across the state with vendors displaying the latest and greatest thing in everything related to deer hunting.

As deer hunters our goal is to ultimately get the deer out of the brush to present an ethical shot as close as possible and through the years we have employed many ways to accomplish this. The use of baits and scents has always been legal in Texas and I’m positive it will remain so. There are few Texas ranches that do not use corn feeders during the fall .