Outdoor lovers making the most of the sunshine by getting out into the fresh-air can now save 50% on late summer deals with Yimbly.com . After months of bad weather, a little too much rain and far too many overcast days, summer has arrived and decided to stick around in much of the UK.

It has turned up better-late-than-never at the same time as a growing trend for outdoor living has emerged. More and more people are designing their lives and homes to maximise the time they spend outside. Around 87% of British homes have gardens – with seven out of eight households having access to either a private or shared patch of land outside their home – equating to around 23 million residential outdoor spaces across the UK, one piece of research found.

During the coronavirus lockdowns, with many of us cooped up inside for far longer than we would've liked, the value of snatching a moment in the garden or balcony, feeling the breeze ruffle your hair and sunshine on your face, could not have been more apparent. There's plenty those lucky enough to have a good sized garden can do to get the most out of it, so it can double-up as an outdoor kitchen, living room or even bedroom. Happily online marketplace Yimbly.

com has some great late summer deals including up to 50% off on products that make the transition from indoor to outdoor living easy. The Haven Outdoor Wood Fired Pizza Oven is a great example of a brilliant garden product currently on offer for a great price. The equipment comes .