I’m trying my best to be a voice of the people here, but sometimes I need a little help. I love getting feedback and suggestions from you, the people who know what’s really going on in our communities. You’re the heart, soul and conscience and your ideas and insights are almost always useful.

Your feedback helps keep journalists focused on the issues that matter most to you. All too often, professional media types, like me, think we know best. Sometimes we’re a little misguided.

Sometimes we misjudge thoughts, feelings, wants and needs. It happens. As a voice of the people, it is my responsibility to hear you and represent you.

Which is why, this week, I have some strong opinions to share. First, a reader named Sharon says we have an issue in some of our restaurants. I agree.

Some restaurants, in my opinion, serve olives. I hate olives. I make no apologies.

Sharon’s issue is even more serious. She asks: “Why is it that when you go to a sit-down restaurant and the host shows you to your table, very nicely and politely, that they then proceed to dump the menus and utensils in a pile on the table? Would it kill that person to nicely set them out in their proper places? It would take two seconds.” I have witnessed this too, Sharon.

It is unacceptable ...

unless I’m starving. Then go ahead and drop those utensils. Throw them at me from across the dining room if it’ll get my chicken caesar wrap and waffle fries to the table two seconds quicker.

Here’s another st.