The Industrial Revolution has had a profound impact on the human race. From warfare to medicine vast changes have catapulted humanity to new heights. In addition to affecting the core components of our societies, the era has also had a profound impact on another, perhaps surprising aspect of human change: our gut microbiomes.

The body receives additional energy, nutrients (as well as various other compounds necessary for the basic function of our organs like our brain), and detoxification capabilities from the gut microbiome. The gut microbiota receives protection from bacteria and viruses as well as raw food. Our bodies and minds depend on our gut microbiome for the necessary building blocks and energy.

As such, when the gut is unhealthy mass problems are caused such as the inability to fight off infections, bad mood, poor concentration, and various mental disorders. While several factors are needed for a healthy microbiome, the most important is what the microbiota feed on. The race to industrialize our food caused mass factory production resulting in a multitude of affordable processed foods in our diets.

Processed foods contain large amounts of toxins used for preservation, flavor, and color which can result in mass microbiota death. Most processed foods are high in carbs and sugars, which are quickly and easily digested by the body. This will make room for other gut microbes to live and thrive in the gut restoring balance.

In addition to cutting out unhealthy foods, it i.