Big Ben, the Tower of London, the British Museum – London 's big-hitting attractions are well-documented and heavily visited. But the joy of visiting any major city is balancing the ‘don’t miss' activities with discovering its authentic side, too. The truth is, London is a city that reveals more of itself with each visit or even each passing year of living here.

Beyond the well-known sights and heavily-trammelled areas, there's more to uncover in every corner of the city than could possibly be ticked off. So, to show off this underrated, often undiscovered, side of London, we asked our editors – and a handful of trusted insiders – to give their guide to the city. These are the places that will help you love London like a local.

London is divided into 32 boroughs, and within each of those, dozens of neighbourhoods jut up against each other, each with its own distinctive personality. To get under the skin of a city like this, first, you need to understand the rhythms of day-to-day life here. There are the better-known areas of London , of course – Soho and Notting Hill and Covent Garden appear in all the guidebooks for a reason.

But beyond the big hitters, you'll find little pockets of the city that might require you to look a little deeper to uncover their treasures but will reward those that do. We asked our editors to share their guides to the neighbourhoods they call home. What do you think of when you think of London? Perhaps the city's vibrant shopping – peo.