They are some of Prince Edward Island's most popular summer visitors, and now one family of ospreys is even attracting international attention thanks to a 24/7 online video feed. Tim Banks installed an osprey platform at his summer cottage in Old Tracadie Harbour on P.E.

I.'s North Shore in July 2020 through a program offered by Maritime Electric. "It's the best $800 I ever spent in my life because we get a lot of fun out of it," Banks said.

"Four or five minutes after the heavy equipment left the site, they started building a nest. So we didn't get a camera installed till near the end of September when they left, and we've been following them ever since." The young ospreys at the Old Tracadie Harbour platform eat fish brought to them in the nest by one of the adults.

(YouTube/Blackbush at Old Tracadie Harbour) The ospreys have returned every year since, raising two chicks in both 2021 and 2022, three in 2023, and another trio that hatched this year. Banks said the family of ospreys has now built two more nests in nearby trees. Damaged during Fiona In 2022, the birds headed south just two days before post-tropical storm Fiona, which blew the nest off the platform.

A camera broadcasts the birds' activities on YouTube, live and around the clock. (Mare McLeese/CBC) "We got up in the morning ..

. and the nest was missing and it was in shambles on the ground. I found parts of it later and I thought, 'Oh my God, is that going to prevent them from coming back?'" Banks said.

"But in th.