Behind it is Oscar Matthews, who set out on the 350km kayak charity trip on Wednesday from Cawsands in Plymouth. He aims to kayak around Cornwall via St Mawes, Falmouth, Land’s End, Lizard and Port Isaac to eventually reach Welcombe Beach on the Atlantic Coast, just north of Bude. On Friday Oscar landed at Maenporth beach in Falmouth, with a storm on his tail, where he stayed last night before setting off again today – having already kayaked some 81km in three days.

Over the course of the challenge he hopes to raise £20,000 for The Sophie Fitzpatrick Charitable Foundation for Rare Cancers (the Foundation), set up in memory of his mother. Sophie died in May 2023 of goblet cell carcinoma (GCC), an extremely rare cancer that only occurs in around one in five million people. Oscar said: “Throughout her life, Ma radiated selflessness and kindness.

She possessed an unwavering spirit of empathy, always ready to lend a listening ear or offer a helping hand to those in need. “But Ma was also very practical and I’m sure she would approve of me embarking on this journey to raise funds for the Foundation to support those diagnosed with rare cancers like hers. “Goblet cell carcinoma attracts less attention from researchers than the big cancer killers but is no less devasting in its impact on the individual and the loved ones that are left behind.

“I sincerely hope that the funds I raise on my kayak around Cornwall and its beautiful coasts my mother loved, will contribute to.