The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra has cancelled a performance by an acclaimed pianist over comments he made while introducing a new piece of music dedicated to journalists killed in Gaza. Jayson Gillham was due to play Mozart and Brahms at the Melbourne Town Hall on Thursday, with Jen Winley as conductor, accompanied by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. On Tuesday morning, the MSO confirmed Gillham would not be performing at the event, even though he remained on the MSO website and tickets could still be purchased, following remarks he made on stage on during a performance on Sunday.

Pianist Jayson Gillham. Credit: Internet The 37-year-old made his comments at MSO’s Iwaki Auditorium before playing a five-minute piece for piano by Australian composer Connor D’Netto called Witness . D’Netto’s website states the piece is “dedicated to the journalists of Gaza” .

In a letter sent to attendees of Sunday’s recital, the MSO described Gillham’s comments as “an intrusion of personal political views”. The letter stated: “During Jayson Gillham’s performance yesterday (Sunday 11 August) Mr Gillham made a series of introductory remarks prior to giving the world premiere of the Conor D’Netto piece Witness , a late addition to the advertised programme. “Witness was accepted for performance at the request of Mr Gillham on the basis that it was a short meditative piece.

Mr Gillham made his personal remarks without seeking the MSO’s approval or sanction. They were an in.