Oral cancer, a sinister disease silently wreaking havoc within the oral cavity, is becoming an imminent threat worldwide. The situation is particularly alarming in India, where it is the most prevalent form of cancer among males. India also bears the highest burden of lip, oral cavity cancer worldwide.

According to the latest data from GLOBOCAN 2022, in India, the incidence of oral cancer is 143,759, which is expected to double by 2050, raising concerns about the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. The mortality rates due to oral cancer in India are also alarming, with predicted increases from 20359.7 deaths in 2022 to 147300 deaths by 2050.

These statistics highlight the urgent need for action and support. The global incidence of oral cancer was 389,800 in 2022, which is also expected to double by 2025, emphasizing that this is a global challenge requiring collective action. Behind these statistics lie the heart-wrenching stories of individuals and families grappling with the devastating impact of this disease.

The effects of oral cancer extend far beyond the physical suffering endured by patients. The emotional strain, financial burdens, and shattered dreams that accompany this disease are immeasurable. In a study conducted by Tata Memorial Hospital, it was estimated that premature oral cancer deaths cost India a staggering $5.

6 billion in terms of productivity losses in 2022. One of the key findings stated that 91% of the fatalities or terminal stages wer.