As eye diseases become increasingly prevalent, many people are looking for ways to safeguard their vision. Recent statistics reveal that nearly half of the UK population suffers from dry eye syndrome, and a significant number of older adults are facing serious conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. With such alarming figures, it’s crucial to explore the factors that contribute to eye health, particularly our diets.

Nimmi Mistry, a professional optician from Vision Direct , emphasizes the important role nutrition plays in maintaining good eyesight. “Keeping a balanced diet not only contributes to good eye health but also to overall well-being,” they explain. As National Eye Health Week 2024 approaches, they urge everyone to take a closer look at their food choices and consider how they can improve their diets to protect their vision.

At the forefront of Mistry's recommendations is the humble carrot, often touted as a key player in eye health. “Eat your carrots so you can see in the dark,” they note, acknowledging the common phrase parents use to encourage children to eat their vegetables. “While eating carrots won’t give you night vision, they do play an important role in supporting eye health.

” Mistry highlights that carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A—a crucial nutrient for maintaining healthy vision. Severe vitamin A deficiency is a leading cause of preventable childhood blindness, affecting millions of ch.