Oprah Winfrey is celebrating life. In a conversation with Al Roker on “ Today ,” Winfrey reflected on turning 70 in January, a milestone she wasn’t sure she’d reach. “I remember many, many years ago as a young girl, I had always thought that I would never make it to the 60s or 70s,” the talk show host said Tuesday.

“I had this number in my head that I thought, ‘OK, I’m gonna be out by then.’ “I think I had a vision of it when I was a kid, and I think it’s because under the circumstances that I was living when I was a little girl in Milwaukee on welfare with my mother and what I now know, that if I had stayed in those circumstances, I probably wouldn’t be here,” Winfrey said. “I wouldn’t be here healthy and strong and vibrant.

” After Roker asked the television star if her “concept of gratitude” was more profound at this point in her life, Winfrey clarified. “I would not say that it’s deeper, Al, because I have been doing it for so long,” she said. “I would say that there is a sense of knowing that there isn’t as much time left, and I am at peace with that knowing.

” “The Color Purple” producer continued: “My great gift is being able to live in the present moment. I think it’s really the thing that brings me the greatest joy. Because no matter what’s going on in your life, you can compartmentalize and be just right here, right now.

So, I’m not a worrier, I will worry about the thing when the thing shows up.” Through.