“ –J.D. Vance The whispers are growing and the stakes are too high to stay silent.

It’s time to ask the question on everyone’s mind: Can be an effective leader while parenting three children under the age of seven? Having children is a beautiful choice for those who want them. Raising children is also a choice but it’s not always beautiful. It’s a time-consuming, occasionally terrifying process.

Vance made that choice and said it was the best thing he’d ever done. “Some people tell me I’ve lived the American dream, and of course, they’re right,” Vance said at the while introducing himself to the voters. But, he continued, “My most important American dream was becoming a good husband and a good dad, of being able to give my kids the things that I didn’t have when I was growing up and that’s the accomplishment that I’m proudest of.

” This speech was Vance’s interview for one of the highest positions in the United States government and he flat-out admitted that he was more into his family than his career. It makes you wonder if Vance even wants this demanding job. Or if like other , he is embracing work-life balance.

Conservative men have long insisted that women can’t hold leadership positions while juggling family duties. Surely, the same must be true for Vance. How can we turn our country over to someone who doesn’t have the time, loyalty and attention to run it? Let’s explore the ways that juggling family and job could lead to dropped b.